Our coaching programmes

Many law firms are turning to coaching as a way to develop their professionals. Why? Simply it works!
Coaching is founded on the philosophy that the answer to most things lies with the individual. Individuals are able to find their own solutions and when they do they are more empowered to change. Lawyers are intellectual and often deep thinkers. Sometimes overthinkers! This makes coaching a perfect tool to explore the challenges – and opportunities – that they are faced with.
For law firms that want to embed a coaching culture, we can provide a pool of coaches to work with your legal professionals. Whether you be looking to support a specific group within your law firm (partners, senior associates, practice leaders, trainees, or something else) we can work with you to put in place a programme that delivers value and results.
Our coaching programmes include:
Gender focused programmes designed to empower women (and include the men!)
Team coaching programmes
Business Development Programmes to enhance firm growth
Career development
Back to work programmes
Get in touch to find out more.
Claire Rason has conducted research into gender imparity at partnership level. Her findings generated some interesting conclusions and have led her to create a programme which challenges the choices that women make.
However, gender imparity needs to go beyond the choices women make, men also need to be engaged. This isn't about fixing the women, it is about rethinking the system.
EmpowerHer combines group and 1:1 coaching.

Leadership Academy
Our leadership focus helps firms create the leaders of tomorrow. Our leadership programme covers:
How we lead ourselves. Self-awareness is the foundation of coaching and of emotional intelligent. It can provide insights into why we are how we are and can improve our ability to get the most from diverse teams.
How we lead teams. High performing teams deliver better results for the
firm and for the firm's clients. -
How we lead clients. Clients want more. In order to be a trusted advisor, lawyers need to deliver more than just technical excellence, they need to provide added
value and lead for the future. -
How we lead for the future. The future is uncertain. Business is no longer
focused purely on profit. The question for lawyers is increasingly "should we?"
rather than "can we?". This requires a shift in mindset.

Business Development Coaching
It is the soft skills that will be the key differentator for firms in the future. This is increasingly coming under the spotlight with initatives such as the Mindful Business Charter and the O-Shaped Lawyer.
Our coaching programme helps explore what the key skills are that lawyers need to succeed at business development. We think about limiting beliefs and we set out why a law firm doesn't need an army of rainmakers - they do however need an army of authentic business developers.

Back to work coaching
We offer 1:1 coaching for lawyers who are returning to work after an extended career break. However, many large firm have cohorts of returners that often fly under the radar. Those returning from maternity leave, sickness leave, sabaticals.....
We offer group coaching for returners who can help reassess their roles in the context of whatever their break brought up for them. We explore boundaries, changing values and confidence.